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cuba medical treatment

by Life

Our company, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey and the Cuban Ministry of Health, brings you alternative treatment programs offered by Cuba for cancer, dermatology, chronic hepatitis B, night blindness and injuries caused by diabetic foot ulcers.

Successful Treatment Methods Approved by the Cuban Ministry of Health

QBA Medi Tours provides efficient and professional round-the-clock assistance to patients who would like to go beyond the treatment options available in their country. QBA holds exclusive contracts with Cuban health authorities for specialized care, at affordable prices that are not available elsewhere.


Cancer Treatment

Discover specialized vaccine treatments for cancer developed in Cuba.

Why QBA Medi Tours?

Professional Team in its Specialized Field

Strong and professional team both in Cuba and Turkey, from interpreters to doctors and consultants

Commission-free and Transparent Price Policy

The treatment tariffs applied by the Cuban Ministry of Health are applied exactly and without commission

100% Official and Certified

Approved by the Turkish Ministry of Health and the Cuban Ministry of Health

Fast and Customer-Oriented

Fastest turnaround, customized service/support thanks to the specialized Cuban team and customer-oriented processes

Experienced and Reliable

The responsibility of being the most experienced and reliable company in Turkey in this field

Strong and Sustainable

Approvals from the Turkish and Cuban Ministries of Health, cooperation with the Cuban Ministry of Health, established team in Cuba and satisfaction and references from hundreds of patients

Certificates and Legal Authorizations


Contracted Institutions

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For more information,
Fill in the Application Form. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Please feel free to contact us 
with any questions.


+90 553 171 11 45


+90 553 170 11 45

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