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Substance Abuse

Cuba offers unique opportunities in the fight against substance addiction and in the treatment of substance addiction.

Thanks to its tough laws, control mechanisms, and high border and customs security, Cuba has greatly reduced the shipment and spread of narcotics within the country. In comparison to most western countries, it has a much cleaner and controlled market, and it is almost impossible for young people to access addictive substances.

Thanks to government investment and an experienced workforce, professional substance abuse treatment centers in Cuba are very effective, and patients and their relatives receive fast and efficient results.


Furthermore, due to its climate, location and culture, Cuba is a country that offers patients seeking substance abuse treatment a unique environment that is extremely positive, far from the outside world and bad interactions, peaceful, peaceful and nature-friendly.


Cuba helps patients with expert staff in its three-month program for addiction treatment. Patients with addiction are primarily instilled with a sense of responsibility and self-confidence, and are encouraged to develop their hobbies. No medication is used in the treatment. Accompanied by a psychiatrist, nurse or other staff member, patients can go out, do sports, go to the 
sea or to an activity of their choice.
The 3-month program includes the following phases:

3-Month Treatment Cycle Includes:


  • Hospitalization

    • Collection of diagnostic assays, tests and findings

    • Obtaining the patient's medical history

    • Patient hospitalization in a category 1 room

    • Visits by psychiatrists, psychologists, internists and, if necessary, specialists from other branches


  • Rehabilitation
    Individualized rehabilitation program tailored to the needs and personality of the patient,


  • Customized Therapies

    • Group Psychotherapy

    • Individual Psychotherapy

    • Music Therapy

    • Occupational Therapy

    • Acupuncture and Relaxation

    • Physical rehabilitation

    • Therapeutic Gymnastics

    • Education and Activities

    • Other Entertainment and Leisure Activities


  • Medical reports, evaluation and recommendations


  • Recycling Therapy if Required

  1. Program of Rehabilitation to the Addictions


          I. Evaluation Phase 


  • Hospitalization (7 days)   

  • Consultation

  • Research

        Continuation of Rehabilitation Program for Addictions

  • Therapeutic Procedures

  • Transfer Service

  • Hotel in Havana


          II. Rehabilitation Phase (30 Day Cycles)


  • Hospitalization (30 days)

  • Rehabilitation Therapy

  • Control Medicines for Addictive Disorders

  • Medical Report, Results and Recommendations


          A minimum of 3 cycles is recommended.​


   2. Rehabilitation Program for Addictions: Recycling 


  • Hospitalization (30 days)

  • Rehabilitation Therapy

  • Control Medicines for Addictive Disorders

  • Medical Report, Conclusions and Recommendations


Keep in mind that each program is tailored to each individual case, depending on the severity of the condition and the overall health of the patient.


Registration is easy.  Follow the steps and we will get in touch with you shortly to advise you further.

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