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Psorasis Treatment In Cuba

In Cuba, Coriodermina, a topical, water-soluble gel developed from the human placenta by Dr Carlos Miyares Cao, is one of the most effective treatments for psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder that develops against the body's own tissues and causes psoriasis-like rashes covered with white scales on the skin. It is seen in approximately 1-3% of the world. Although it often starts in the thirties, it can be seen from birth. There is a family history in 30% of cases. 

Coriodermina, a topical, water-soluble gel developed from human placenta by Dr. Carlos Miyares Cao in Cuba, is one of the most effective treatments for psoriasis. Coriodemina's success is due to its high efficacy (more than 75% of complete cure). It inhibits epidermic cells and regulates their rate, neutralizing cytokines and neuropeptides (molecules responsible for cell communication). Coriodemina is applied directly to psoriatic lesions and is absorbed by the epidermis (the middle layer of the skin, the first defense against heat, light, infection and injury). The success of Coriodermina, the effectiveness of Coriodemina depends on the age of the patient, the proportion of affected area, how long the patient has had psoriasis and the correct application of the treatment. Coriodemina is safe to use in children, pregnant and breastfeeding women and the elderly and no side effects have been observed.

​In the psoriasis treatment program in Cuba, during the first consultation, patients are examined to determine what percentage of their skin is affected and the amount of medication required for treatment is calculated, as well as detailed explanations about the characteristics of the disease and the way the medications are used. In addition, patients traveling to Cuba for psoriasis treatment can stay in the hotels of their choice. Apart from the consultation day, they can get support from our team members to get to know the other beauties of Cuba closely. While you are having your treatment, a nice Cuban vacation will be waiting for you.

Although the treatment process varies from patient to patient, the steps are usually as follows:

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  • Diagnostic biopsy and histological analyzes

  • Cuban specialist doctor evaluations and opinions

  • Psoriasis drug treatment (average 3 times)

  • Continuation of drug therapy when necessary


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