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Treatment of Nyctalopia (Night Blindness)

At the Centro Internacional de Retinosis Pigmentaria "Camilo Cienfuegos" in Havana, a treatment for night blindness (nyctalopia) has been developed for over 20 years.


At the Centro Internacional de Retinosis Pigmentaria "Camilo Cienfuegos" in Havana, a treatment for night blindness (nyctalopia) has been developed for over 20 years. In Cuba, the method, which includes special surgical techniques and additional therapies for the treatment of night blindness (nyctalopia), has succeeded in preventing blindness by stopping the progression of Retinosis Pigmentosa in hundreds of patients, although it does not completely eliminate the disease.


After reviewing the patient's medical certificate for night blindness, experts from the Cuban Ministry of Health assess whether or not night blindness (nyctalopia) can be treated in Cuba. If the experts approve the treatment and the patient accepts the treatment for night blindness (nyctalopia), he or she can go to Cuba. If the experts approve the treatment and the patient accepts the treatment for night blindness (nyctalopia), he or she can go to Cuba.

Program content of Night Blindness (nyctalopia) treatment

  • 21 nights accommodation in a private room (including meals and nursing care)

  • Care from a hospital doctor (business card)

  • Initial assessment and preparation of medical history

  • Specialist Consultations: Retinitis Pigmentosa, Internal Medicine and Anesthesiology.

  • Basic Preoperative Investigations: Laboratory: Hemoglobin, hematocrit, creatinine, glycemia, blood group and RH factor, minimal coagulogram, HIV, serology (VDRL), differential leukogram, complete lipidogram, TGO, TGP. Chest X-ray, electrocardiogram.

  • Basic Ophthalmological Investigations: refraction, tonometry, biomicroscopy, standardized electroretinogram (ERG), kinetic campimetry on Octopus 101 or Goldman.

  • Surgical Intervention: Introduction to the operating room, endotracheal general anesthesia, Retinitis Pigmentosa Technique (Rejuvenation Surgery), resuscitation and postoperative recovery.

  • Basic Medical Treatments: ozone therapy, functional electrostimulation, magnetotherapy.

  • Transfer by car to and from the airport.


​NOTE: Please note that each treatment program is tailored to each individual case, depending on the severity of the condition and the overall health of the patient.

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